Our Academy

I would like to welcome you to Abbey Hill Academy Sixth Form.  

I am pleased to report that we recently received an Ofsted visit in January 2020 and the judgement remains the same, with Abbey Hill Academy including the Sixth Form continuing to be a good school. 

Our students experience a fabulous range of opportunities, supported through outstanding teaching & learning to prepare them for their futures.

“Abbey Hill Academy is a kind and welcoming place. Pupils are safe and happy and enjoy coming to school. Staff know the pupils well. Relationships are positive. Pupils know there are trusted adults who will support them to learn and keep them safe."

 "Sixth-form students get precisely the right support to help them to get ready for when they leave school. Knowledgeable staff, impartial careers advice and a work-experience and volunteer programme support students to decide what they want to do when they leave school."

 (Ofsted January 2020)

Each student follows one of our four 'Pathway' curriculum models to meet their individual needs. These pathways support students with profound multiple learning difficulties, severe learning difficulties, moderate learning difficulties and autism. The curriculum pathways ensure that all students study the essential elements of the mandatory “Post 16 Programme Offer", preparing them for adulthood and further independence.

Talented, committed and dedicated staff work extremely hard to ensure that the individual needs of each student are met.

The Sixth Form Building is purpose built and provides a superb learning environment where all students feel safe and happy.

I hope that you find the website informative but please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any further enquires.

Kathryn Thompson

Abbey Hill Academy Sixth Form
Sheraton Building
Ketton Road
Stockton on Tees
TS19 8BU

Email: abbeyhill@horizonstrust.org.uk
Tel: 01642 664140


Horizons Specialist Academy Trust is a company limited by guarantee (Company No 08608287) and exempt charity registered in England and Wales.

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